What is the CrossFit RRG?

Our program was created by CrossFit in 2009. We now insure over 45% of the Affiliate Community, the largest insurer of CrossFit gyms in the country.

CrossFit RRG provides Commercial General Liability and Professional Liability. The RRG is operated by Nexo Insurance Services, which can provide Business Personal Property coverage and Participant Accident insurance. These coverages meet the requirements of CrossFit and most tenant lease agreements.

To be a member of the RRG means that you are also a shareholder in the company.  The RRG requires that you purchase a share of stock in the company; this is not insurance. The benefits of being an RRG member are unique to our program:

  1. We offer a policy created by CrossFit, LLC and the Affiliates that doesn’t restrict, cancel or non-renew an Affiliate because they are doing CrossFit.
  2. Member Affiliates have a say in the underwriting and design of the RRG policy by having representation on the Board of Directors.
  3. We handle claims differently than a typical insurer.  The defense of all claims within the RRG is coordinated by the CrossFit, LLC legal team.  Their sole purpose is to defend Affiliates, and they don’t back down from a fight that should be fought for the good of the CrossFit Community.

You will not find this kind of coverage and defense with any other carrier.

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